Establish a Lasting Legacy

Leaving a charitable legacy in your will is an extraordinary way to establish your own legacy and make a lasting impact on the world.

After taking care of your loved ones, you can make a powerful statement about what matters most to you and the kind of future you want to create.

Your charitable legacy can also serve as a source of inspiration for your loved ones, demonstrating the values and priorities that you held dear.

By leaving gifts to a charity, you can show your family and friends that you believed in making a positive impact on the world and encourage them to do the same.

It’s a simple process that can have a significant impact on the world and help you create a legacy that reflects your values and beliefs.

So, we urge you to consider leaving legacy gifts in your will and consider Hunter’s Fund as one of the charities you include.

In doing this you can leave a profound and lasting legacy gift that supports the next generation of innovators and leaders for years to come.

How You Can Help This Program Continue

Bequests and Estate Planning

You can help provide future generations of young people with promising ideas and reduce deaths from distracted driving through a simple gift in your will.

Consult with your attorney when writing your will or adding a simple paragraph to your existing will.

Your bequest can help make a difference in the lives of young people. You can make a cash gift of any amount, a gift of the remainder of your estate or a portion of the remainder, after obligations to your family and loved ones are met.

Your attorney can easily help you make a bequest to Hunter’s Fund. Simple language for your will, such as the following, can be provided to your attorney:

“I give, devise and bequeath to the Hunter Brooks Watson Memorial Fund (EIN 83-0574041) for its general purposes (a fraction or percentage of the rest, residue or remainder) of my estate, both real and personal.”

— or —

“I give and bequeath to the Hunter Brooks Watson Memorial Fund the sum of $______ to be used for the general purposes of the Charity .”

Your Attorney Will Want to Know:

• Hunter’s Fund official name: Hunter Brooks Watson Memorial Fund

• Hunter’s Fund mailing address:
P. O. Box 326
McLean, VA 22101

• Hunter’s Fund phone number: 1-(703) 448-0436
• Hunter’s Fund Identification: A not-for-profit organization under Section 501 (C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code
• Hunter’s fund Tax-exempt IRS Number: EIN 83-0574041