Read below to learn more about the contents of the campaign Kit provided to all participating Phi Kappa Psi Chapters

Hunter’s Pledge generously provides all of the materials listed below to Phi Kapp Psi partners who host a safe driving campaign on their campus. All that is expected in return is commitment and philanthropic spirit of Phi Psi brothers. In addition to tabling to collect pledges to end distracted driving, chapters should take advantage of fundraising opportunities to help spread the campaign to other campuses.


FREE Easy Set Up Campaign Kit


Here's what we provide to get you started!

1. Request a FREE Campaign Kit by clicking the button below and tell us the level of support your membership can provide.

2. What’s in the Kit - You will receive a Campaign Kit that can be taken directly to the pledging Table for easy setup. The Kit contains attractively designed- table front banners customized with your chapter name, pledge cards, posters, wrist bands, pledge stickers, bumper stickers and mints. A 2-minute Talking Points script is included to help explain to your members the importance of signing a written Pledge Not to Drive Distracted,

3. Safe Driving Tabling Campaign - Ask members of your chapter to staff table(s) on campus to encourage your classmates to sign a pledge not to drive distracted. It's quick and easy to organize. Some chapters begin with a single day, and after seeing the fun and success, add more days the next year. On-line videos produced for Phi Psi’s are available to show volunteers how easy it is to get pledges.

4. Fundraising Options - fun and easy to use tools to help them raise $500 or more.

6. Pledges - your classmates can sign Pledge Cards or use a Touch Free QR Code for signing on their own cell phones and become part of this nationwide campaign to reduce the loss of life from something totally preventable.